science about how to keep your brain sharp while getting older

Ever heard of the LIFE diet? It’s a nutrient dense whole food plant-based diet. It includes drinking one 32-ounce (or 946 ml) LIFE smoothie every day, eating at least 5 ounces (or 142 gr) by weight of dark green leafy vegetables in salad or cooked vegetables per day, and limiting consumption of whole grains, starchy […]

Carrots are the beautiful non-starchy vegetables with plenty of fiber, beta-carotene, calcium and vitamin K, which are important for our eye health, our skin, our immune system and our bone health.

As we know, tomato has lycopene, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants with many health benefits due to its capacity to fight free radicals and reduce the risk of developing a wide variety of (chronic) diseases, and even certain types of cancer. To compare, lycopene devours 10 times more free radicals than vitamin E!

What simple changes to your diet can help prevent your brain from cognitive decline? According to a recent study, just adding at least ½ a serving of flavonoid-rich foods per day (f.e. berries, apples, red cabbage, kale, spinach or onions) will help reduce the risk of cognitive decline in older adults by 20%!

Lycopene is a one of the most powerful natural antioxidants with many health benefits due to its capacity to fight free radicals that help reduce the risk of developing a wide variety of (chronic) diseases, such as brain aging issues, heart illnesses and even certain types of cancer. Another advantage of this natural antioxidant is […]

Have you ever heard of ergothioneine? It is the dietary amino acid that is present in high amounts in mushrooms and has a nickname – the “longevity vitamin”. Why? Because it’s an effective antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to reduce a number of chronic age-related diseases.

There is a preliminary scientific result that food plays an important role in overall health. It is all about chilli pepper and its capacity to prolong life and reduce deaths, especially from cardiovascular diseases or cancer.

Hebben kruiden en specerijen invloed op je hersenen?

kruiden specerijen hersenen

Culinaire kruiden en specerijen worden traditioneel gebruikt als vervanging voor zout, smaakstoffen en conserveringsmiddelen1,2. Ze vormen ook een onbeperkte bron van moleculen die beschikbaar zijn om gezondheid te verbeteren3. Enkele van de gezondheidseffecten zijn antioxiderende en ontstekingsremmende effecten, die bescherming kunnen bieden o.a. tegen cognitieve achteruitgang 2, 4, 5.

Waarom kunnen zaden en pitten goed zijn voor je hersenen?

Voorlopig zijn zaden en pitten niet opgenomen in het MIND-dieet, het voedingspatroon voor de hersenen. Hoewel ze veel bewezen algemene, bloedsuikerstabiliserende en vaat- en hartgerelateerde gezondheidsvoordelen hebben, zijn er op dit moment te weinig studies naar het directe effect van specifieke zaden en pitten op je hersengezondheid. Het huidige onderzoek richt zich voornamelijk op de […]

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