Staying active as we age is vital for our brain health. But how many lazy (read “sitting”) hours a day are save to help our brain stay sharp?
“Apple a day keeps diseases away” is still true when it comes to our aging brain. Researchers suggest that apples and their different variations could help us to maintain our brain in a good health. Let’s have a closer look on the compounds of apple which help us with that.
In our 30s and 40s, our brain starts to shrink, with the shrinkage rate significantly increasing by age 60. You might notice that by forgetting your appointments, necessity to write things down, inability to concentrate for a long time etc. . The good news is that you can exercise your brain to limit its shrinkage […]
According to a recent study, people who experience frequent bad dreams in middle age are more likely to be diagnosed with dementia later in life.
If you concern about your brain health, than pay a.o. extra attention to your breakfast! It is already scientifically proven that skipping breakfast is related to worse cognitive function in healthy adults, starting at 55 year of age. Moreover, it seems that dividing equal amounts of food into 4 meals between 9 am and 3 […]
Probiotics seem to have positive effects on various mental health issues. But can their supplementation help with memory issues as well?
A recent study showed that not the time spent sitting, but the type of sedentary activity during leisure time impacts the risk of dementia.
According to a recent study, our gut problems make it easy for a very harmful neurotoxin BF-LPS to enter the brain and contribute to the development and progression of Alzheimer’s.
Researchers of a recent observational study found that a bioactive compound, called pelargonidin, which is the most abundant in strawberries, may lead to less formation of tau tangles in the brain.
A recent study looked at 2 forms of cognitive training that are used to help people with mild cognitive impairment to improve their memory and learning: mnemonic strategy training and spaced retrieval training.